
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

When you think of high school relationships people usually say " oh they'll never last", but what about the relationships that do last?

Most of the time the boyfriend girfriend relationships made in high school don't last, people break up and make up all the time, or they just move on to the next. But that's the whole point of dating, you date until you find what you're really looking for.

I personally like to think my relationship of three years will last, I mean we've come this far. Of course my relationship with my boyfriend hasn't alwasy been smooth sailing but what hasn't sunk us has only made us stronger. Kevin and I have this relationship like no other, he's my bestfriend. We get each other when no one else does. We still make pinky promises to one another, and once you make a pinky promise it can never be broken, and we live by that. We trust one another, and for a good reason, we've never given each other a reason not to.

My relationship with him has only grown since the day we've met. And the relationship we share has always given me something to look forward to. When ever things were rough, or I needed a friend he has always been there. I would only hope that others find a significant other that complements them as nicely as Kevin complements me.

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