
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Best Friends

I was on twitter the other day tweeting with all my gal pals. We were trying to make plans for spring break. Sea World, The Beach, Sleepover, Prom dress shopping were some of the things we had brain stormed. Once we all had came to an agreement of what we'd do one my friends sub tweeted us all and hash tagged "bestfriends".  That made me smile, because I realized that they are my bestfriends.
We are the five amigas, and quite an odd group, because we are all so different. Each a different ethnicity, with a very different personality.
We weren't best friends at the start of this school year though, actually we were all total strangers to one another. We all had the same third and fourth period together, and all sat at the same table. I think we had a group project to do and that's what started it all, we ended up all really liking each other. During class none of us could stop talking to one another, then we started hanging out at lunch, and then planning things out of school.
We all grew very fond of one another, we trust each other with some of our deepest secrets. We have this bond that only bestfriends have. We all can just be our selves with one another whether that's being a total dork or a total brat. The thing is that we have such a good relationship, we understand one another. They're my bestfriends, people that I know I can go to when ever for whatever.

Yeah, we even have a clumsy one in the group, which probably would be me.

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