
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mother Daughter Relationships

A lot of people have asked me about my relationship with my mom and I am glad to say we have a great relationship. There's been a few girls that I have met throught my time that say they wish they had a relationship like mine and my mom's. I find it kind of sad that not everyone has a good relationship with their mom.

My mom and I weren't always so close though, growing up I was a difficult child. I'm a chip off the block when it comes to my mom, in other words I'm just like her. So, of course we bud heads a lot, neither of us willing to admit we were wrong. We use to always argue, we're both very strong independent people and don't like hearing anything if it's not our way. We didn't always argue but when we did it was all hell let loose.

But, as I grew older I learned to be less hot headed and more patient. I always did as my mom had told me, and I always told the truth. I learned that she's my mom and she's always right even when I can't see it. Once I learned that it was just easier to let things go, things ran more smoothly. Since, the fighting stopped and I was always quick to do as she said we had gotten along more better. Then, we started talking more and more finding more things in common with one another. Our relationship was growing.

I learned to listen, be patient, honest, hard working, and caring: were essential things that had made our relationship grow.  A good relationship is a work in progress that takes two. Me and my mom have the strongest relationship that I'm proud of, because I know I worked for it.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Love- Hate-Relationships

Relationships are a love hate kind of thing, you either love the person, or are damn close to punching them in the face. Well that's at least how I feel sometimes.

Once you have a great relationship with a person you end up getting comfortable around them. That wall of defense comes down, you don't have to constantly worry that what you'll say will offend them, or that they'll judge you from what you said. You start to feel comfortable being you, because you trust that person. That person can bring the best out of you, because they'll always see the positives that we tend to not be able to see ourselves.

On the other hand, due to having a great relationship with someone you also tend to see the worst of that person too. Only because they feel comfortable not only showing you the good side but all sides to them. Their problems become your problems, because they go to you to confined to. Although, at times it may feel overwhelming at the same time I see it as a privilege, because out of the many people they could have gone to they went to you.

Relationships can always bring out the best and the worst of people, but like all things there's a balance between the two.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

When you think of high school relationships people usually say " oh they'll never last", but what about the relationships that do last?

Most of the time the boyfriend girfriend relationships made in high school don't last, people break up and make up all the time, or they just move on to the next. But that's the whole point of dating, you date until you find what you're really looking for.

I personally like to think my relationship of three years will last, I mean we've come this far. Of course my relationship with my boyfriend hasn't alwasy been smooth sailing but what hasn't sunk us has only made us stronger. Kevin and I have this relationship like no other, he's my bestfriend. We get each other when no one else does. We still make pinky promises to one another, and once you make a pinky promise it can never be broken, and we live by that. We trust one another, and for a good reason, we've never given each other a reason not to.

My relationship with him has only grown since the day we've met. And the relationship we share has always given me something to look forward to. When ever things were rough, or I needed a friend he has always been there. I would only hope that others find a significant other that complements them as nicely as Kevin complements me.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Best Friends

I was on twitter the other day tweeting with all my gal pals. We were trying to make plans for spring break. Sea World, The Beach, Sleepover, Prom dress shopping were some of the things we had brain stormed. Once we all had came to an agreement of what we'd do one my friends sub tweeted us all and hash tagged "bestfriends".  That made me smile, because I realized that they are my bestfriends.
We are the five amigas, and quite an odd group, because we are all so different. Each a different ethnicity, with a very different personality.
We weren't best friends at the start of this school year though, actually we were all total strangers to one another. We all had the same third and fourth period together, and all sat at the same table. I think we had a group project to do and that's what started it all, we ended up all really liking each other. During class none of us could stop talking to one another, then we started hanging out at lunch, and then planning things out of school.
We all grew very fond of one another, we trust each other with some of our deepest secrets. We have this bond that only bestfriends have. We all can just be our selves with one another whether that's being a total dork or a total brat. The thing is that we have such a good relationship, we understand one another. They're my bestfriends, people that I know I can go to when ever for whatever.

Yeah, we even have a clumsy one in the group, which probably would be me.

Relationships, can sometimes be a pain in the butt. It's always a love, hate kind of thing. In order to have a good relationship you really have to work on it. When you have a good relationship with someone you feel like you can go to that person whenever for whatever.

Me and my mom have a great relationship, whenever I have a problem or just want to talk, I know I can always go to her. We have a great mutal understanding of one another.

Having a good relationship doesn't come easy though. You have to build up trust and respect for one another, because what good is any relationship if there is no trust or respect. For example, bestfriends, you don't call just anybody your best friend. You build up this trust, and a relatiionship with a person. Until you can be yourself around each other then you become bestfriends.

Even though you may have a great relationship with a person it doesn't mean you wont bud heads a little, it's only normal. Like I had said earlier relationships can be a love, hate kind of thing, and they don't always come easy. But the things you do get through makes your relationship stronger.